5. Recreation
Recreating and reinterpreting great photographersThese two photos are from an assignment of my photography class where we were asked to recreate a picture by a famous photographer and to adapt David Hockney’s “collage” style to a photographic representation of a room.
Recreation of a photo by Robert Mapplethorpe
For the first exercise, I chose to recreate a portrait by Robert Mapplethorpe. I asked a friend to model for me, brought him into my room, covered his back in a oily sunscrean so the light would reflect on him, and took this picture.
Photomontage of a room reproducing David Hockney’s style
I decided to photograph this bedroom in Hockney’s style because I loved the colours and the light. I took around one hundred pictures of different parts of the room, moving around and zooming in and out. Later on, I assembled them in photoshop.
Assignment for my photography class
1st year of ELISAVA’s Design degree, 2021
1st year of ELISAVA’s Design degree, 2021